Evren Chiropractic provides a wide variety of services
to support your neuromusculoskeletal system.


Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM)

This therapy utilizes small metal or jade tools and a coconut-oil based emollient to focus on reducing the symptoms brought on by “tight” or “knotty” spots, also known as myofascial trigger points within the muscle. These trigger points are typically formed by muscle overuse or excess load due to any type of injury. IASTM involves using moderate pressure and light scraping motions over these points for about 10 minutes depending on patient needs. The goal of the therapy is to create a small inflammation response in the body to stimulate inflammatory cells to come in and clean out scar tissue and waste products from the area.

Percussion Massage (MyoVibe)

We use the MyoVibe percussion massage tool for any “tight” or hypertonic muscles as well as for sore spots within muscles at the beginning of each chiropractic treatment. The goal of the tool is to alleviate pain and increase oxygen flow to the muscles, allowing them to heal quicker. It does this by breaking down lactic acid buildup and relaxing connective tissue, in addition to improving lymphatic drainage and softening adhesions and scarring within the muscles. This therapy is considered part of general muscle work, takes under five minutes and is included in treatment.

Cupping Therapy


Another option for treatment of myofascial trigger points is cupping therapy, which is used across many modalities within integrative care. In the realm of chiropractic, cupping is generally used to treat muscle pain and tension by applying an emollient to the area, placing cups over areas of particular tension and using a suction device to pull the skin upward, gently sliding the cups along the path of muscle and eventually leaving them to be stationary over myofascial trigger points. The therapy takes about 15-20 minutes and benefits include pain relief, decreased inflammation and improved circulation!

Low Volt Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS)

As another option to treat muscular injury or tension, Evren offers low volt electrical muscle stimulation, also known as EMS or affectionately called “stim” at the clinic. This therapy works by sending electronic impulses to the affected region and stimulating nerves in the area through small adhesive electrodes. EMS is the same mechanism as TENS units however it delivers a slightly stronger current; the goal of this therapy is to stimulate symptomatic muscles to fire at varying levels depending on the intensity of injury (for more acute injury, you will feel a tingle versus a more chronic issue we want to get the muscle to actually twitch). The therapy takes about 10 minutes and is ideal if you have any type of muscle pain or any trouble relaxing your muscles during your adjustment.


Kinesiology tape, or KT, is typically used for sports related injuries but is widely applicable to many musculoskeletal conditions such as joint instability, retraining the body to increase strength and mobility and ultimately help healing within soft tissues. KT is a slightly elastic adhesive material and is applied with a small amount of tension to the affected area to induce a bit of recoil to encourage tissue regeneration and decompress pain receptors and thereby decrease pain. If we decide KT might be beneficial for you, you can feel free to continue with your regular activities including exercising, showering, and even swimming. The application takes just a few minutes and it lasts about 3-5 days.

Intersegmental Traction 

This therapy table is essentially a hollow box with a bunch of rollers and pulleys inside of it which, when powered on, gently induces passive motion and encourages ligamentous and muscular stretching throughout the spine.

Here’s how it works: you make yourself comfortable lying face up on the table and we situate a foam bolster under your knees to neutralize your spinal curves during the treatment. Once the machine is turned on you’ll start to feel rollers under your spine - we can adjust these to be higher or lower depending on what feels comfortable for you.

If you have a specific area that is causing you pain, we can focus the rollers in that area otherwise they will travel the full length of your spine, gently stretching your muscles and creating a gentle pumping motion to hydrate your joints. This is a great therapy to reduce muscle spasms, restore disc health and take pressure off of the joints prior to your adjustment. The therapy lasts about 10 minutes and you may even take a little nap during the treatment!


The goal of the adjustment is to reduce restrictions in the joints (both within and outside of the spine) to ensure our spinal cord and ultimately our nervous system is functioning at its highest capacity. Dr. Zeynep does this by first assessing joint motion throughout the body, particularly within the area of complaint/pain. The most commonly used adjusting technique at Evren Chiropractic is called Diversified Technique, which includes a high velocity, low amplitude adjustment comprised of light to moderate pressure with the hands over the restricted joint until the end range of motion is reached, followed by a quick thrust to the area to restore as much range of motion as possible. Chiropractic is not a one-size-fits-all form of care. Every body is different and responds to different stimuli differently! If Diversified Technique doesn’t feel like the right fit for you, Dr. Zeynep is experienced in various other techniques that might work better with your body and she will work with you to find the best fit. Check out FAQ for more information on what you can expect at your first chiropractic visit!